I did it. Once again I have survived the beach. As always my family took a trip down to Duck, NC with additional family and family friends for the week. I went along with them for five days along with my girlfriend who absolutely loves the beach. The people that know me know I can't stand the beach. It's sunny and sandy and sticky and sweaty and salty and hot. I am also terrified of sharks.
Something about a creature twice my size moving through an environment I can't move well in and can't see in ripping through my flesh and bones and dragging me further into the water then releasing me in time for me to swim to shore and bleed to death in the hot sun and sand scares the shit out of me, I don't know maybe I'm weird. I spend my time in the water and on the beach fervently on the look out for these beast.
Of course shark week always falls on the week we go to the beach and being an animal lover I love watching so that I can learn all I can about these incredible animals so I can use the knowledge acquired through these shows to fight off an inevitable attack one day.
As a tribute to these creatures that frighten and amaze me I did a little wash of a great white emphasizing the streamlined strength and size of the beast. I drew the pencil on bristol which really isn't great for washes but I enjoyed doing it.